Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mental Masturbation

Well, here we are again. I suppose I should begin with the basics, starting with who I am.

As you might have noticed in the side panel with my profile, my name is Nick and I've had this account on Blogger for almost 5 years now. In fact, I've kept many journals (both private notebooks and public blogs) over the years, but just lost interest in maintaining them. The longest I ever kept up with a journal was with this blogger account, called "Just Some Loser's Blog". Obviously, I had a wonderful self-esteem back in those days and sub-par writing skills. I like writing, though I don't write nearly enough to produce any real work. As it happens, the only thing I've succeeded in writing about in depth is my own personal views and experiences. I like creative writing, but I really don't know enough about the world to create convincing worlds of my own, unless they are surreal and abstract. I'm much better at drawing than I am at writing, and I'll share more on that in later entries, without a doubt. For now, though, I'll stick with simple introductions.

I'm a creative artist type, in case you haven't guessed, and in addition to drawing and writing, I enjoy music thoroughly. I fiddle with a couple instruments, mostly string-related, but I don't really have a great ear for tuning or rhythm, so I mostly stick to appreciating it rather than creating it. I also like reading, mostly fantasy, sci-fi or horror. I typically enjoy stories about normal people who have to deal with or come to terms with things beyond their comprehension. I don't really like television or movies too much, unless they are exceptionally entertaining. I prefer my entertain be interactive, so that I can avoid ads if possible. Marketing schemes are very annoying to me.

I'm not really well-adjusted, I spend a great deal of my time alone, and when around people I am usually quiet, which I make up for by being loud at often inappropriate times. I lead an unusual life, I tend to be rather trusting, which is always dangerous in a world full of liars and cheats. Sincerity means a great deal to me, and I will forgive almost anything if your heart is in the right place.

So why start another blog? Why post a journal on the Internet that anyone can look your name up on and read your personal, intimate thoughts? Well, I've blogged before for therapy, for fun, to try and give others a sense of who I am, to try and share my views with the world at large. This is kind of a mixture of all those reasons.

I am making this blog for two major reasons... For one, I am unemployed, an artist and an individual, which makes it really hard to get an entry-level job. I'd like for this website to be a display of my major talents, such as my artistic capabilities, my story ideas and even my aesthetic eye for graphic design and webpage layouts. When trying to actually sell myself to companies to start a career in art, I'd like to be able to refer potential employers to this site as a sort of portfolio of mine. The other main reason for keeping this blog is for the love of my life.

Tierney is the best woman a guy could dream for, she makes me live and love life in a way that was completely impossible to imagine before she came into my life. The love we share is more real than anything I've ever felt, and the only thing that frightens me about us is that we're so young and life is so unpredictable... We've been seperated by unfortunate circumstances, trapped 1000 miles from each other by legal and familial reasons. We spent 3 months together in absolute bliss, and when she went down to Texas to visit her mother, things came up and now she has to stay down there for a few months and it has been the hardest thing in my life. I want her to know everything about me, but sometimes talking over the phone is hard to touch on those deep, worrysome thoughts that catch me off-gaurd sometimes. I've always been able to express myself better through writing anyways.

I think that makes a decent introduction, I think I will cut it short here... I think my next couple of blogs will serve to give strangers a better sense of who I am, where I came from.
But first, a display of art...
I made this drawing when I was in senior year of high school, it started out as a goofy monster that wasn't coming out like I planned, so I started deforming its body and blending it with other creature designs. Over time and a lot of details later, this is probably one of my favorite drawings ever. A great example of my joy of creating twisted aberrations and my attention to small details.

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